- Myself
There is nothing that Craighill builds that is NOT....PERFECT.
ADD this to their list.
I have TWO of these.....because....
I'm a designer with two studios.....and I use these all the time.
The design..itself...it beautiful......it is SLEEK in your hand....designed to fit comfortably in your PALM.....and it WORKS.
the knife is SHARP....cuts thru cardboard...paper....like BUTTER....as i try to use these in lieu of scissors...just cuz.
I grab this all day long to assist in my design studios...creating things outta thin air....and used with materials that...at times...will not budge with a simple exacto knife blade...but...VOILA...WILL be cut with this beautiful blade.
It is both lovely and functioning.....oh...and SUBSTANIAL.....SO.......what better tool to use on a daily basic.
If you CRAVE .......the unusual....the beautiful..... the ability to SURROUND oneself with ORDER and DESIGN.....and...a fantastic TOOL AT HAND.......buy this people.
You will not be disappointed.