- Myself
- Thoughtful Design
- Beautiful
- Satisfying
- Daily Joy
- Conversation Starter
We can’t control the flow of time, but we can observe it, even harness it. Every grain of sand that passes through the Granule Hourglass’ waist represents a minute portion of our shared timescape, leaving us to ponder: what will I do with this moment? That’s up to you to answer for yourself, but we can at least give you time to decide.
The Granule Hourglass is available in 5 and 15 minute iterations — in amber and clear glass, respectively — allowing for temporal sequestrations both short and not-so-short. Watching the clock may be frowned upon, but it doesn’t mean time should go entirely unsupervised. Take a moment — or a few — to observe it. You won’t regret that you did.